I don't like Robert Gibbs much. First off, he looks too old to be only 39. Secondly, he tries to be funny when he is not. And thirdly, he is from Alabama, home to my other non-favorite Washington guy, Senator Richard Shelby.
Now, after my last post about how we should all start trying to be nicer to one another, I guess I should be as well. So I will simply point out some facts.
First thing today, he makes fun of Sarah Palin writing on her hand by writing on his. A grocery list for his son's pancakes, then the words hope and change. (Look for the video on You Tube as I could not embed it for some reason.) I am not sticking up for Sarah Palin, I just think that the White House spokesperson should show more polish and class.
And who is this Bobby guy, the high school marching band, saxophone playing, debate team nerd, trying to be anyway? Is he trying to be funny, like Stephen Colbert? Is he trying to be tough like Rahm Emanuel? It is hard to tell some days. His personality changes a lot. But he should not be making fun of others. And this is why.
Here is a quote from Gibbs after the controversy over the Obama school address came out, "You had to be like, 'Wait a minute" Then he called the moms with concerns about this, "silly". Not exactly Mensa material here. More valley girl.
He likes to use the word "silly" a lot. He said about climate change, "I think scientists are clear on the science. I think many on Capitol Hill are clear on the science. I think that this notion that there is some debate ... on the science is kind of silly." What?
On a flagpole issue,(I don't even know why he would talk about this anyway) "He went on to say that "it's silly to ... think that somebody that's done that can't have a flagpole...."
I could go on and on, but my point is this, those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. He is a smug guy with a cocky attitude that thinks he is so smart, but really he is not. President Obama is treading water right now and the last thing he needs is for the face of the White House to go all Animal House on us. I mean really. First Rahm Emanuel's blow up and now this? Sounds like fraternity boy antics, not serious White House dealings.
So, Robert, please. Grow up. The SNL skits are starting to look like a White House documentary.
So get serious.
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