I cannot believe I am publicly admitting that I watched the Sarah Palin speech on Saturday night, but I am. I will say it was by accident, as I was in bed early due to a cold and turned on CNN and there she was. Big hair and all. But like a gawking on-looker at a motor vehicle accident, I just couldn't look away.
I checked other channels. She was on C-SPAN, Fox and even MSNBC. MSNBC?
And then I found myself still watching. Unbelievable. I was interested just to see what she would say next. I am sure that is why she was being covered so heavily as well. Everyone wanted to catch her doing something dumb. She sounds so dumb to me. It is not really what she says, but how she says it. But then she actually said a few things I found myself agreeing with.
What? Agreeing with Sarah Palin?
Her line, "We need a commander in chief, not a professor of law standing at the lecturn," well, that resonated even with me. And I like Obama.
I still don't think she could be President. But I do believe that she could teach the President some lessons.
First, we are a restless nation. When Sarah Palin looked at her hand to find her crib notes, people resonated with that. How many of us have a to-do list always handy? How many of us love crossing things off of that to-do list? How many of us wish that President Obama had a simple to-do list that he could follow? He seems always to be going in too many directions.
Here is what many would like to see on that list, even if he writes it on his hand:
1. Get Americans back to work.
2. Prevent terrorists from getting on our planes.
3. Stop the banks from hurting us anymore.
4. Stop the big insurance companies from playing by their own rules.
I would love to see some of those to-do's crossed off. But I know it is not that simple.
Our society loves a good sound-bite. We actually make many major decisions by just hearing sound bites. As soon as Scott Brown uttered the words. "With all due respect, sir, it's the People's Seat", it was all over. Many made their decision right there and then.
Think about recent past elections. What do you remember? Do you remember any of the policy discussions? No. You remember things like; "It's the economy, stupid.", "Read my lips, no new taxes", and the John Kerry bomb, "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it." What?
So Sarah Palin is not so dumb after all. And the Liberals and the media elite better watch it. As they are pummeling Palin calling her stupid and not presidential material because she wrote on her hand, they are dissing everyone that has ever done that. And they are playing right into that small hand of hers. They are proving that Sarah Palin is the antithesis of the elite, a regular gal. And that is their undoing. Why don't they get that?
Anyway, Sarah Palin had three things written on her hand:
Lift Americans spirits.
Tax cuts.
Not a bad message, really. Maybe not the classiest thing to do on national TV, but maybe not the worst. It is certainly giving her a lot of buzz.
Anyway, my advice to any candidate thinking of running for anything, get your talking points written now. And say them over and over. Make sure they are not silly. Make sure they resonate with everyone. And make them short and to the point.
We are a restless bunch. We like our messages clear and simple. We will not stay tuned in for a policy discussion. We don't have the time nor the inclination. We want to know what you will do, when you will do it and how we will know when it is done.
Short, sweet and to the point.
Even if it is on your hand.
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