She does. I don't know why, or when it began. But I actually feel fear when I see her on TV.
Maybe she reminds me of someone. An angry teacher or something. Not sure. I am not really sure why I find her scary.
The first thing I read about Nancy was that she is one of the richest members of Congress. Worth about 12 million, plus real estate holdings valued at several million as well. Impressive. But not scary. Maybe makes her a bit out of touch with us ordinary folk. But definatley nothing to fear there.
She hails from a political family, her father having been a U.S. Congressman from Maryland. She is from a large family and has a large family. Nothing very scary there either.
So, what is it about her?
Then it dawned on me.
She she is mean. She reminds me of every nasty 7th grade girl I ever encountered. She is mean and a bully. And always wants her way and is angry when someone dares to have an opposite opinion.
This is not what I want to see in our elected officials. Nancy Pelosi has also never, ever admitted to any mistakes. Yet she voted for the war in Iraq, stating that Saddam did indeed have weapons of mass destruction. "Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
But when it was proven wrong, did she take any blame or perhaps mention that she made a mistake voting for the war? No. She instead said, "The president led us into the Iraq war on the basis of unproven assertions without evidence; he embraced a radical doctrine of pre-emptive war unprecedented in our history."
After she was briefed on "interrogation techniques, she then denied she knew that they were water-boarding detainees. She seems to have a faulty memory as well.
And on healthcare reform, she is the scariest of all. “We have to get it done,” the speaker said. “What the process is does’t matter.
The process doesn't matter? What does that mean?
I am sorry. She is not the right person for this position. She is not open minded and she is not approachable. It is her way or the highway.
And that is scary stuff.
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