Dear John:
I watched you and your wife Teresa on Larry King last evening. Your stiff performance almost made me fall asleep, but I was curious to hear what you might have to say, so I forced myself awake.
I feel bad about your prostate cancer and your wife's battle with her breast cancer, but I was truly amazed by the top drawer treatment you kept bragging about. You talked so much about all of the choices you had; Teresa talked about how her MD did a mammogram and an ultrasound and a biopsy right away, the same day! That is clearly VIP treatment and you should be ashamed of yourself for sitting there in front of all of America talking about it. Most Americans cannot even get an MD to call back with a simple report. Many cannot even get a mammogram because they lack basic insurance. They have no "choices". But instead of taking this opportunity to talk about the need for real healthcare reform for real people, you instead talked about the energy bill.
Hello, anyone home?
Or maybe I have the wrong home, because you own so many.
You are so far out of the common man's plight, so high above it, that you must get nose bleeds and vertigo from looking down upon the masses. I mean really.
I also enjoyed the dig you made about Sarah Palin being "entertainment". That must have sat well with her followers. It didn't sit well with me and I am hardly a follower of hers. Also interesting that you did not condemn your running mate, John Edwards. You called his plight, "tragic".
Tragic? The man is a pig.
Anyway, I must tell you that you must go. We are done with all of you guys that say they work "for the people". Well, you don't represent the people anymore and I am not quite certain you ever really did.
Time to go and let a real person into the job. One who gets it. Gets us.
It is not like you need the job anymore and you have real medical issues to attend to and wind surfing and what not.
So, I would like to say that it has been nice, but it really hasn't been. You had your chance, now give it up to the next generation. I am, quite frankly, tired of rich, older men screwing up this country.
I know, breaking up is hard to do.
But it's not you, it's me. Honest.
P.S. And leave behind the Kennedy desk. It belongs to the people, not you.
I met John Kerry once. He crashed an event at a famous hotel that was raising money for people in wheel chairs and the some were homeless. He said " I undersatnd there are some homeless people here, well Tereza and I are homeless too, as out mansion is redone in Boston."
ReplyDeleteeveryone cringed. I still cringe when I see him or hear his name
Oh, and if you have a problem with the questions, you should be angry at Larry King. He did the asking. I would bet you money that the Kerry really did not want to talk about Palin-who by the way is entertainment and Edwards. Now come on, did you really expect Senator Kerry to call him a pig on national television? You must be a Brown supporters-it shows in your post. I bet you wouldn't expect him to call someone out as a pig now would you?
ReplyDeleteI don't have a problem with the questions, I have a problem with John Kerry's answers. If John Kerry didn't want to talk about Palin, he shouldn't have. He is all grown up now. (I am not a Palin supporter, either. It is just the principle.)
ReplyDeleteBut I am glad you responded. Thanks.
And, no. I didn't expect him to call out Edwards. But it would have been refreshing!