This pretty much sums up the news this morning. Both sides are spinning the facts to their favor. The only losers here are us, the folks that really do not have a clue as to how this will all play out in the end.
Do we really think that the insurance companies will roll over and play dead? Do we really think that this bill is the first step toward universal healthcare? Come on. We are being fed bits and pieces of fluff to appease us.
We have had so called 'healthcare reform' in Massachusetts for some time now. All I have seen as a result of this reform package are that my premiums have increased, my co-pays have increased, my benefits have decreased, my town is receiving less money for services to the residents, our property taxes have increased, and the ER's are still jammed beyond belief. (People are NOT going to an MD for care---more are going to the ER)
I do not see healthier patients. I do not see everyone all happy and gleeful. I do see more services cut in our state for people who were already very well covered by health insurance, but can no longer enjoy simple life pleasures like attending the library because it will be closed more hours now. They can no longer go the the senior center, because, that too, is closed due to budget constraints. I have really not seen one positive outcome from healthcare reform here in Massachusetts. I especially, as a nurse, have not seen better patient outcomes. And that, to me, is the most important thing.
So, as the Democrats and the Republicans continue to fight over this bill, I will have to tune out. It is all just spin and there is no real substance. The bill isn't even completely written yet. Good grief.
Instead I will take more walks, try more yoga, eat healthier and try to control the one thing I can, my own health. Because, when you boil it down to reality, we are in charge of our own health and we have always been.
I don't need any more spin to tell me that.
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