"So, I sing you to sleep, after the lovin', I brush back the hair from your eyes. And the love on your face, it's so real that it makes me want to cry....."
Makes me want to cry, too.
All this post-coital bill-passing gush. It is enough to make a person think that something wonderful has happened. That this is the best thing to happen since, well since Barack Obama was elected President and this nation would not stand so divided anymore.
And look what he accomplished. It is not just a division anymore; it has all the makings of a total, out and out disunion.
But it is not simply all about the healthcare bill. Hell, most of us have not a clue as to what that bill really means anyway. It is the way in which it was done.
Sure it must have felt good at the time. And I am sure that it still feels pretty good to many Democrats who voted for this bill and are having their post-coital smoke while relishing the memory.
Just like Tiger did. Over and over.
Until he got caught.
And I am afraid that is exactly what is going to happen here. Many of us will feel cheated on. Lied to. Forced to accept a circumstance that we were never really sure of and not quite sure we needed or wanted. But too late, it is now our new reality. Too bad.
Deal with it.
And, like a woman scorned, there could be hell to pay.
So, Nancy and Barack, enjoy your warm, loving afterglow. It may come to an abrupt halt. I, for one, really hope not. I hope that this turns out to be good for America.
But, only time will tell.
So, enjoy the love songs for now. They could soon turn into this come November:
"Remember when you held me tight
And you kissed me all through the night
Think of all that we've been through
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do."
I despise Nancy Pelosi. She maks me sick.