Oh, boy. Now you guys have done it. Went and messed with the Seniors in the Healthcare Reform legislation. Oops. Not good.
Okay, so for the most part, Medicare is safe. Traditional Medicare that is. But, anyone who has one of those supplemental plans? You are going to see changes. They just wiped out the payments to keep them strong. And you will hear about it later this year.
The pundits are already talking about this "historic legislation" like it is the bravest, most wonderful thing our government has ever created. What?
I think Medicare was the greatest thing. Without Medicare, Seniors, who need medical care the most, would be in trouble.
But traditional Medicare never went far enough. It did not cover a lot of preventative things. So the government gave additional money to insurance companies to creat Medicare Advantage plans. And Seniors like it. A lot. 11 million and growing.
And now, there will be changes.
So look out for angry Grandma and Grandpa later this year. And by the way, they are the biggest voters.
Meanwhile, most of the meat in this new healthcare "reform" law will not happen until 2014. So, you can bet that Insurance companies are gearing up to screw us in other ways. Just like the bailed out banks who took our money and then cut off our credit and increased our interest rates to 30%. And the Government is doing nothing to stop it.
So, time will tell. But be on the look out for cane wielding seniors and many, many Democrats who will be trying to explain this to them come November.
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