Saturday, January 23, 2010

What? Did Arlen Specter just say "Act like a Lady" to Rep. from Minnesota?

Well this didn't get much press, but Arlen Specter, the Senator from PA, who once was a Republican, but is now a Democrat (and obviously an old curmudgeon) was doing an interview in Pittsburgh when he said this to Rep. Michele Bachman of Minnesota.

You can read about it here: Arlen Specter to Michele Bachmann: `Act Like a Lady` - CBSNews

This is simply rude and a put down to women everywhere. Look, I know he is old (80?), and he has had cancer. I understand that. As a hospice nurse, I really understand and have empathy towards anyone struggling with cancer. But that does not give someone the right to put down another person. And what does he mean by, "act like a lady?" Sit there and shut up? Be subservient to me? I would bet one million dollars he would not say that to another man.

I grew up in PA. Come on PA gals, really look into this man and see if he deserves your vote. At the very least, let him know how disturbed you were by his behavior.


  1. I agree, Specter has lost it. He use to have my respect because I too grew up in PA and followed him but he has just plain lost it. He is wishy washy and says what ever he thinks will get him what he wants for the moment. Sad because he use to stand for something but not anymore. He does not deserve anyone's votes, especially a women's in PA I think.

  2. Aw c'mon. Yes Arlen Spector is an old out of touch coot. He represents my state and I would love to see him retire.

    Michele Bachman is a nutcase, he was just being nice asking her to act like a lady rather than asking her to act like a civilized human. Michelle Bachman is a racist, opportunistic, unsophisticated person who makes all Americans seem as ignorant and backwards as she is.

    I would've smacked her one, or at least sent her back to her room for a time out!
