Saturday, January 23, 2010

Minivan Mom Revolt

This is my new blog, Minivan Mom Revolt. But this is not a blog to complain about being a mom. We have plenty of those. This is a blog for all the smart, informed moms who read and hear every day what our politicians are doing, or not doing, not only on a local level, but on a national level as well, and say to ourselves, we could do better than them. If only I did not have to drive my kids back and forth to school, to play dates, and to twenty activities. If only I did not have to volunteer at yet another school function, bake 75 peanut-free treats and sell candles for the fund-raiser. If only I did not have 5 loads of laundry each day and dinner to make every night. If only....

This is our chance to revolt. To revolt against the stupid, lame decisions made on behalf of the "people". Well, we are those people, and yet I don't think anyone is listening to me, to us. Where is the common sense?

Most of us moms have oodles of common sense. Yet, no one takes us too seriously. Well, it is time for them to start. We are the largest voice in America. Black, white, short, tall, democrats, republicans, independents, liberals, conservatives, pro-life, pro-choice, thin, thick, educated, book-smart, street-smart, hard-working, blue-collar, white-collar, stay at home.....All of us could unite. We are all moms. We want what is best for our children. Their future is at stake. So let's stop staying quiet. Let's organize and seize the power we all have. Soccer moms were once a threat. We still are. My daughter doesn't play soccer, so just call me one fed up mom. Let the Minivan Mom Revolt begin.

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